Special Announcement for February!!

10848710_908603932513944_2644523597418188209_oI have a very special announcement! For the month of February, Art Class 2.0 and 1.0 will have a special guest teacher to share with us the wonders of watercolors: our very own Becky Sutton! Becky is wonderfully gifted in the skill of watercolor painting and has graciously agreed to teach both classes for four weeks. She will be taking students through the basics of watercolor techniques and providing them with knowledge and skills to attempt more ambitious projects on their own. It’s going to be awesome!!!

Since watercolors is a rather technical subject and we only have four weeks with Becky, she and I have some requests for students this month:
1. Usually, Art Class stands alone from week to week and kids can come and go as their schedule provides, but we are asking that everyone who is interested in learning watercolors with Becky do their best to attend all four weeks, especially the first week on February 4th. Students will be more confident and less overwhelmed if they are there each week to master the skills as they are presented.
2. We need hair dryers! If each student can bring a hair dryer to class each week, that would be great! Watercolor paintings need to be dry in order to perform certain techniques, and students can’t move on unless their painting is dry. The hair dryers will be necessary every week, so Becky recommends keeping it with the art supplies each week so it’s ready to go!
3. Becky will be providing some higher-quality paper for the projects we will be doing with her, and higher-quality paint for Art Class 2.0, but otherwise, the kids should have everything they need in their art supplies already (except for a hair dryer!). If a student is interested in further pursuing quality watercolor painting, Becky will be providing a list of the supplies she recommends.
That’s it! If you have any questions, just let me know! I’m sure you’re all as excited as I am about this great opportunity and I hope you’ll all join me in praying for Becky and this special month of Art Class!!
Thank you!

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